Crap Shoot

I have to admit that I've been pretty lucky through this entire pregnancy with you. I skipped over the morning sickness, I didn't get the dark markings on my face, no aversions to the taste of food or even the smell of food, and best of all no pressure "down below"! But of course I have a few weeks left so maybe the best is yet to come.

I have however in the past few weeks found something about being pregnant that I would gladly trade in for an aversion to the smell of food! Acid reflux, is NOT my friend. Two weeks ago I had acid reflux so bad that I couldn't breath properly, I couldn't lay down or the pain became unbearable. I had to prop myself up on the couch with pillows and try to sleep in an upright position. That didn't work so well. And then when the morning came I threw up stomach acid. You have no idea how difficult it is for a stomach to heave up acid when you have a 6 lb child in your belly.

To avoid anything like that again I changed what I ate, when I ate it and what I drank. No food after 7:00. Ginger tea to ease my tummy before bed and nothing else. And the problem went away, until yesterday. Yesterday it came back! Full steam ahead. It's almost like my entire digestive system has gone hay wire. I want to puke, sit on the toilette and pass out all at the same time. Good times I tell ya.

Daddy thinks it might mean my body is preparing for your arrival. Some woman will start to clean out their system in order to make room for your descent. He could be right but then again this happened to me two weeks ago. I don't feel like you're in any hurry to leave. I'm pretty certain in fact that you will hang in there for a few more weeks.


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