1 + 1 + 1 + One More = 4

December 15, 2011

So... it appears as though there is a very good possibility that the story of you is to be divided in two. 12 weeks ago today a child latched onto me and hasn't let go yet. Which of course means that there is a strong possibility, if this child decides to stay, that you are going to be a big brother. Despite being excited there remains a part of me that is very sad for us. Us, being, you and I. You are going to have to sacrifice a lot of your time with me for your little brother or sister. I may not be able to cuddle you to sleep at night, or snuggle up on the couch with you and watch Elmo and Toy Story, carry you about the house when you are feeling sick or just grumpy. There are so many special moments that I cherish with you that I'm terrified to give up. Apparently this is a common fear mothers have. And then baby number two is born and you always find a way to find special moments with baby number one. I just don't want you to feel neglected, or sad, or second best. I'm also very excited for you! I little sibling! Someone to play castle with, build forts, hide and seek, a camping companion, a bath tub buddy, someone to hide under the covers with when it's storming outside, collect bugs in a jar with, bike rides, and god knows what else.


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