The Mysterious Package

A few days passed me by but I barely noticed, when something strange happened. I came home from work one night and there was a large cardboard box on the front porch of our house. I picked it up and carried it into the kitchen all the while wondering what it could be. My name was on it and the return address said Nestle Baby. I recklessly grabbed for the scissors in the drawer just in front of me and opened my mystery package as quickly as I could. Inside my box was a black back pack with a tiny pink heart embroidered on the bottom corner. I had no idea what it was for or who it was from. That was when I opened the back pack and inside was a baby bottle, a book on feeding and nurturing my baby, milk formula, and energy drinks for mommy. It was a DIAPER bag! All the sadness that i had been carrying around suddenly lifted completely and dispersed into the air. I was elated. It was a sign and it couldn't have come at a better time. I was going to have my baby one day and it was sooner then I thought. I just had to be patient. That whole month I skipped about outside all the while saying to myself, "I will be happy and healthy. I will marry Kevin, we will have a beautiful house with beautiful happy healthy children, I will be pregnant next October." I said this to myself over and over again for God knows how long. I think I probably stopped saying it around the time the ground froze over and it was too cold out to think about anything other then how cold it was.


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