My Friend Billie

June. 22

I'm having a rough day today Monsie. I've had a beautiful lop eared bunny named Billie for the past five years. She's so sweet and calm and cuddly. She likes to tuck her head under my chin and snuggle there for a while. You would really like her. But sadly fate has decided that the two of you shall never meet because Billie died this morning and I already miss her.

If you are anything like me Munchkin you are going to love every single creature on this earth and do your damnedest to bring them all home to live with you. So you too will be no stranger to losing your pets to death. And I'm so very sorry to tell you this but no matter how old you get it never really gets easier. I can't wait until you get a little older and you and I can go out one day and find ourselves a little Billie to love together.


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